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According to the UNICEF global health statistics in 2018, the neonatal and infant mortality rates in APEC economies have shown a downward trend with considerable diverse among economies, ranging from over 30 ‰ to below 2‰, and still have room for improvement. To achieve continuous reduction of child deaths and protect valuable human capital, Chinese Taipei has built a comprehensive health system to deliver integrated, evidence-based care for both mothers and babies during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum, such as 14 prenatal visits and prenatal genetic screening at public expense, the health system providing universal health services. In particular, the economy strengthened the medical capacity for premature infants and extended home care services. 
In this project, Chinese Taipei will hold an APEC conference and invite experts, NGOs and APEC economies to participate and share the experiences of creating a supportive environment on policies, plans and innovation digital information system. This project will provide a platform to exchange experience and allow economies to investment care system with a view to continuing to reduce preventable infant mortality and create a bright future for next generation.

地點:福華國際文教會館 1F 前瞻廳
地址: 台北市大安區新生南路三段30號
Date: 27 March, 2024
Venue: Conference Room, 1F, Howard Civil Service International House
Address: No.30, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City
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